Sunday, October 25, 2009

Painting Away

Just a peek....

This is one of the old pieces that will go into our dining room that I have been working on
This one had a sad fate
Of being tossed by my new next door neighbor 4 months ago

And you know me
I introduced myself to our new next door neighbor

I have been spending my time late at night
To remove those old everything
And sanding
And painting

This is how it used to looked like before
Uuuuugly, isn't it?

Anyway, I got to know another neighbor yesterday
And I bought 2 wooden doors from her for $20
Without telling that lovely someone
Because I know if I did
Those doors wouldn't be coming to our home

So those tall wooden doors are sitting in the corner of our living room
And it seems like those gigantic wooden doors are invisible
Because I haven't heard a word from that lovely someone
He must be thinking
And thinking hard
Why there are 2 gigantic doors sitting in our house :)

Those tall wooden doors will be beautiful trumeau mirrors
And be a part of our home
Reflecting lights, candles, and good times :)

....Can't wait to show you all

Wish you a wonderful night!
Many warm hugs :)

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Nazomi!!
    I can already see tahat your sofa will look great!!
    How usefull with neighbors who has "golden pices" hidden in their garage...
    I look forward to se the result!!

    Have a nice week! ( here in sweden we have eastern holliday now ;)

