Monday, March 1, 2010

Dinner At American Girl Place

We had a dinner at a restaurant in American Girl Place
Because my sweet middle child is turning 8 :)
Our girls have dolls from American Girl
So we went and ate

And our girls brought one extra boy doll
Just for daddy
So that he won't feel sad
Not having his own doll to feed :)

And he won't feel sad
Not having a doll to hold while strolling at the mall

Girls....are kind creatures
...Sometimes too kind
It makes him wanting to cry
...For holding the doll while shopping ;)

At the end of the dinner
We got a heart shaped cake
A star shaped cookie
And a chocolate pudding
A very sweet day

Happy Birthday, my pumpkin!!!


  1. Happy birthday:) I did not know they had a place for American Dolls..they look so sweet! I want to thank you for your sweet words! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. What a sweet birthday!

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